Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is fundamental to ensuring software security. Discover the essentials of SBOM and its importance to transparency and vulnerability management in software products.

What is a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)?

SBOM is a documented list of all components within a software application. Developers can more effectively manage software functionality and security by creating a comprehensive inventory as a singular reference point.

In terms of SBOM components, the listed inventory includes:

  • Development and UI frameworks
  • Code and component libraries
  • Plugins and extensions
  • Operating system components
  • Open-source and proprietary components

The SBOM’s purpose is to foster transparency. Someone could clearly see how developers created an application and where its components come from. And by default, this transparency helps manage software security. You can identify and address security vulnerabilities by finding issues in specific components. It’s also beneficial for ensuring software products meet legal and regulatory requirements since everything is documented.

Importance of SBOM in Cybersecurity

Consider a web application you commonly use. Was it entirely made from scratch by the original developer? Not likely. Today’s software has a complex supply chain. A company might take open-source code from another developer, customize it, add components from a library provided by another company, and then add extensions and plugins from somewhere else. And only through an SBOM would you know these details.

SBOM brings transparency to complex software supply chains. In a single inventory list, you can track every component, its history, and the developers, which is invaluable for cybersecurity. Why?

  • Supports vulnerability management: A visual representation of software components lets you track system flaws and manage vulnerabilities at the component level. From there, you can easily patch the issue and release a new update for swift remediation.
  • Let you manage supply chain risk: SBOMs outline the entire software development process and who’s involved. If there’s a supply chain attack on one software component, you’ll be able to know your exposure and potential impact.
  • Helps maintain security compliance: Many licenses and legal obligations set rules for app security controls, whether open-source is allowed, and other software parameters. SBOMs can tell you whether the software meets those compliance requirements.

How SBOMs Improve Software Development and Maintenance

Imagine a food dish you like but want to alter just a bit (make it spicier, create a veggie option, make it gluten-free, etc.). Could you do it without the original recipe? Probably not. You’d lose a lot of time trying to recreate the original dish from scratch. And just like a recipe provides ingredients for a chef, SBOMs provide “ingredients” for software developers.

They streamline the entire development lifecycle by cataloging every component used. For instance, someone could create a new product similar to the current software by reviewing the SBOM. It also helps with quickly diagnosing and patching product issues. An SBOM is like looking “under the hood” of an application with an owner’s manual. Once there, you can clearly understand the root cause of a performance issue (or security vulnerability) and where it is, then patch it in the next software update.

On top of SBOM efficiency benefits, there’s also the upside of collaboration. Developers can communicate better since an SBOM provides a uniform language of terms all software engineers understand. It also makes problem-solving and coordination a breeze since it shows a log and inventory of application components.

Creating and Implementing SBOMs

An SBOM is only effective if everyone follows the same rules and speaks the same language. This is why creating one requires uniform cataloging standards and specialty SBOM tools. System Package Data Exchange (SPDX), for example, provides a format to document software components that meet company security policies and compliance requirements.

Similarly, CycloneDX offers a lightweight inventory system for modern web applications, which supports security and supply chain integrity.

In terms of SBOM best practices, developers should prioritize efficiency and security. Here’s how:

  • Automate document generation via SBOM tools to streamline the process and ensure standard formatting
  • Regularly update your SBOM with the newest component changes, additions, or removals
  • Integrate vulnerability tracking within SBOM management
  • Frequently collaborate with developers, suppliers, and security teams to maintain transparency
  • Consistently review compliance changes and the SBOM to ensure it meets legal obligations and security requirements

Creating an SBOM in 7 Steps

Ready to start cataloging your software components? Here’s how to implement an SBOM in your organization:

  • Set SBOM objectives: Whether for compliance, security, development, and maintenance or all of the above, understand the “why.” Set your timeline, assign roles for managing the SPOM, and get all stakeholders on board.
  • Take software inventory: Identify and list every piece of your software. These include third-party, open-source, and proprietary components, code libraries, and developer frameworks, plus their relationships.
  • Adopt SBOM tools: Find a tool that meets your objectives and publishing standards. Common formats to look for include SPDX, CycloneDX, and SWID tags.
  • Generate initial SBOM: Enter your software inventory list into your SBOM tool (following its instructions) to generate an initial document.
  • Review and publish: Comb through your first draft for accuracy and to ensure it meets the objectives.
  • Access when needed: Integrate SBOM into your maintenance activity, vulnerability management program, and software development lifecycle. Access it as necessary to update the software or patch vulnerabilities.
  • Re-evaluate and revise: Continuously review your software and update the SPOM with new components.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Roadblocks are inevitable during SBOM implementation. For example, many developers struggle to standardize and scale their documentation for more extensive, complex software portfolios. They’re often stuck manually generating component catalogs that fail to meet compliance requirements. These are fixable by adopting the right SPOM tools to automate document generation while ensuring proper formatting.

Another challenge is keeping documentation up-to-date. If you’re still using last year’s SBOM to track security flaws and performance issues, you’ll be blind and miss potential vulnerabilities. The fix: Assign dedicated personnel to monitor software changes and update the documents regularly.

And if knowledge constraints prevent you from starting or maintaining an SBOM, invest in an outsourced service. You could use an outside expert for developer training or to guide you through the whole process.

Software Bill of Materials for a “Bill” of Good Security

Visibility is crucial for problem-solving and maintaining security. By embracing SBOMs, you can stay ahead of emerging cyber threats with enhanced software security and patching efficiency.