Threat Hunting Done Right​

Breaking through industry misconceptions and identifying emerging threats systematically​

We’ve published this guide to provide a clear understanding of what threat hunting is and what it isn’t. ​

The security vendor community often makes this confusing by using the term to describe things that aren’t truly threat hunting. ​

We, here at CybeMaxx define Threat Hunting as:​

Threat hunting is a proactive, human-led pursuit guided by threat intelligence that seeks to discover adversary activity, that has evaded existing security controls. Its goals are to reduce dwell time, minimize the negative impact on the business, of security incidents, reduce the attack surface, and improve overall security posture. ​

The goal of this guide is to help organizations cut through this noise and create a threat hunting function that is comprehensive, effective, and seamlessly integrated with an equally effective detection and response motion.​

What’s included:​

  • The four definitive pillars of effective threat hunting​
  • Insights into threat hunting, MDR and the Risk Reduction Flywheel​
  • Anatomy of a successful threat hunt​