2023 has been a busy year for threat actors. We’ve seen a sharp increase in supply chain attacks, over 4000 successful ransomware attacks, and large-scale exploitation of vulnerabilities in increasingly smaller timeframes.
In Q4 the FBI seized AlphVs PR site, which was promptly taken back by the threat group. This cycle repeated four times before concluding. During the seizures Lockbit allegedly reached out to several high ranking developers affiliates. We will see if Lockbits Modus Operandi changes in 2024 as a result of these strategic acquisitions.
The CyberMaxx team of cyber researchers conducts routine threat research independent of client engagements. The purpose of our research is to help foster collective intelligence among the cybersecurity community.
While conducting their research, the team discovers and analyzes ongoing ransomware attacks occurring in the wild.
To get the full depth of insights, download the Q4 Ransomware Research Report today.