Financial Services Cybersecurity Experts

From implementing controls to detecting threats to responding to cyber incidents, and everything in between, we understand the complexities for financial institutions to stay secure and compliant.

The MaxxMDR Difference

MaxxMDR reduces risk to financial services organizations through:

  • 24x7x365 Protection: Our team monitors your organization’s security signals around the clock, so critical threats are detected quickly
  • Zero-Latency Response: We investigate and act immediately, engaging embedded threat responders when necessary
  • Proactive Risk Mitigation: We help you find and eliminate weaknesses proactively through continuous threat exposure management (CTEM)
  • Full Transparency: You always have complete visibility into your security event data and our detection and response activities
  • Defense Fueled by Offense: Recurring offensive security activities drive continuous improvement of MDR effectiveness

We’re not a one-size-fits-all service provider. We take the time to understand your organization’s unique risks and tailor our MDR approach to fit perfectly.

The Financial Services Cybersecurity Challenge

Financial institutions are under attack.

Because they handle such sensitive information, banks, financial advisors, and wealth managers make appealing targets and excellent channels for stealing private customer data and monetary funds.

The average data breach cost for banks and finance businesses was $4.45 million in 2023, 15% higher than in 2020. Additionally, with an average of 233 days to identify and contain a breach for financial services, the need for a robust managed detection and response (MDR) service has never been more essential.

Our Impact in Financial Services

MaxxMDR helps financial services organizations navigate today’s complex and ever-evolving threat landscape, so they can avoid business disruptions and ensure customer trust.
This includes:

  • Reducing exposure to ransomware and other critical industry threats
  • Minimizing downtime by detecting and responding to breaches quickly
  • Protecting sensitive customer data against unauthorized access and exfiltration
  • Simplifying compliance with industry regulations and guidelines like PCI DSS, NYDFS, FFIEC, and more
  • Unlocking new value from existing security technology investments
  • Empowering in-house security resources to focus on high-value activities

Our Expertise and Approach

CyberMaxx has proudly supported financial institutions of all sizes for over 20 years. Our collaborative approach enables us to work with your in-house team to implement comprehensive cybersecurity solutions that meet your unique operational and compliance needs while also addressing threats specific to the financial service industry.

Powered by an “Offense Fuels Defense” strategy, our MDR solutions help quickly assess, track, and mitigate cyber threats based on in-depth attack research and analysis.

Providing Protection For:

WPAs Logo
The Retirement Plan Company logo
Wilson Bank & Trust logo
Bill2Pay logo
Cleveland State Bank

Ready to secure your financial services organization?