Videocast brought to you by CyberMaxx

Dichotomy of Cyber

A videocast featuring themes, discussions, technologies, tradecraft, and thoughts around the balance of cyber security and help defenders raise their game in the evolving threat landscape.

Cyber defense has been around for decades and it’s not getting substantially better. It’s the adage of I build a 10-foot wall, they build a 12-foot ladder.

It’s an arms race between attackers and defenders.

Most of the industry conversations only focus on one side of the cyber equation; focusing on the protection and defensive side – or focusing on how to stay ahead of the attacks, but never comparing, contrasting, or diving into both sides.

Featuring guests across the industry, this videocast series will explore a variety of themes:

Dark Reading Interview at RSAC 2024: CyberMaxx Plays Offense with User, Data Protection

Aaron Shaha, CISO at CyberMaxx, joins Dark Reading’s Terry Sweeney at News Desk during the RSA Conference to discuss what an “offense that fuels defense” strategy entails.