Managed detection and response (MDR) for companies that need less noise and more results


24x7x365 Threat Detection with Zero-Latency Response

Most security teams engage an MDR partner because they need help – not more work. The problem is that too many MDR companies forget about the “R” when rapid response to a critical incident is needed.

We don’t just deliver alerts. We take action, guide every response, and use our unmatched offensive security expertise to continually strengthen your defensive posture.

Put the ‘R’ back in Your MDR Strategy

MaxxMDR with Zero-Latency Response

24x7x365 threat detection and alerting are the foundation of MDR, and we excel at it. But we view it as the beginning of our work – not the end.

We don’t make detected threats your problem to figure out. We respond quickly to investigate and assess scope and impact.

From there, we act on your behalf whenever possible, following pre-agreed rules of engagement.

And when critical incidents occur, an embedded threat response team gives our SOC the superpowers they need to guide you through a rapid and effective response.


Detect Faster
Detect and respond to emerging threats faster
Save Time
Reduce the burden on your in-house security resources
Be Proactive
Identify and eliminate security weaknesses
Reduce Risk
Continuously improve your overall security posture

Don’t Settle for a Black Box

Too often, MDR providers’ tools and techniques are a black box. You’re expected to trust them implicitly without any real visibility into how they work.

MaxxMDR is different. Our MaxxProtect platform is open and transparent. You see what we see, including:

  • Your customized library of threat-detection content
  • Extensive dashboards and reports, including all of your security events
  • Complete technology integration and automation configuration details
  • Integrated ticketing for transparency and collaboration

There’s no ambiguity or lock-in. Our work on your behalf is always on full display, and we welcome this accountability.


Unlock New Value from Your Security Investments

MaxxMDR integrates seamlessly with your existing security tools, including endpoint detection and response (EDR), cloud-native security features, firewalls, and web application and API protection (WAAP) technologies.

We unlock new value from these investments by:

  • Proactively analyzing the security signals they produce for possible threats
  • Incorporating their policy enforcement capabilities into our threat response workflows

Featured Technology Partners


Use Offense to Fuel Defense

CyberMaxx offers an extensive set of offensive security services, which can be combined with MaxxMDR to:

  • Empower our threat responders with an even deeper understanding of your IT environment and security stack
  • Identify additional opportunities to reduce your attack surface proactively
  • Apply learnings from offensive security activity to make ongoing improvements to our MDR detection techniques and content

At CyberMaxx, we think like an adversary, but we defend like a guardian.

Featured MDR Resources

MDR Buyers Guide

Translate industry analyst guidance into a practical strategy for success with MDR

MaxxMDR Solution Brief

Learn more about the capabilities and value of MaxxMDR

Black Hat Webinar: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Build a Modern MDR Program

This webinar features CyberMaxx SVP of Security Operations, Gary Monti, and Airbnb Senior staff engineer, Allyn Stott discussing how to successfully build a modern detection and response program.

Let’s Get Started

Ready to take the first steps towards a stronger security posture? Schedule and introductory call with one of our product experts today.