Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

Ongoing Assessment and Mitigation of Cyber Risks

Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is an ongoing process that involves continuously identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating cyber threats across the organization. It focuses on maintaining an up-to-date understanding of the organization’s threat landscape and making real-time adjustments to security controls.

CTEM often uses automation and advanced analytics to monitor threats, assess the potential impact on the organization, and continuously adjust defenses. This may include integrating threat intelligence, monitoring for emerging threats, and assessing the effectiveness of current security measures.

CTEM is continuous and adaptive, focusing on the dynamic management of current and emerging threats.

CTEM manages the overall exposure to threats, including those that haven’t yet materialized.

CTEM typically involves a combination of automation, analytics, and threat intelligence for continuous management.

The goal is to minimize the organization’s exposure to threats by continually adapting and responding to the evolving threat landscape.

In addition, CTEM federated data is fed back into CyberMaxx’s Security Operations Center (SOC) – where alerts are enriched to aid in analyst investigation. As well as Detection Engineering where observed findings are correlated back to actionable rules.

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